Why is Broadway Willing to Take More Risks With Its Shows?

By Staff Reporter - 25 Oct '19 22:09PM
  • (Photo : Why is Broadway willing to take more risks with its shows?)

Any theatre lover will know about Broadway in New York City. With London's West End, it is the premier theatre district in the Western World. Broadway itself is home to around 41 theatres which have 500 seats or more. It is a very popular tourist spot for any visitor to New York City and many people head there at some point in their stay to catch a show. The numbers behind Broadway back up how popular it is - the 2018/19 season recorded almost a 15 million attendance figure and over $1 billion in revenue being generated. If you want to experience the best ways of being entertained, a visit to Broadway is essential.

One thing which marks out this theatre district compared to others is the diverse and eclectic range of shows on offer. From satire to romance, musicals and political plays, there is a wide selection of shows to catch which are not your usual big-name blockbusters. Sweat by Louise Gund is the perfect illustration of this in action. Although an outstanding piece of work which was nominated for an Olivier award in 2019, it was not a big-name production like The Lion King or Wicked. The fact that Broadway was willing to take a risk to showcase a new piece of work to the public is proof of what we are talking about. 

But why does Broadway take more risks with the shows it puts on? 

A more diverse crowd on its doorstep 

Perhaps a major reason that New York's Broadway is willing to take more risks is that the crowds it attracts are more cosmopolitan. That applies to both the local New Yorkers' that attend the productions and also the vast majority of tourists who visit. That diverse audience is far more culturally aware and is more willing to take risks with what they choose to see. They may also have seen all the bigger name shows already and so are keen to see a new production. 

The star names draw in the crowds

Although many big-name actors will be in the well-known shows, some of them do decide to take roles in new or lesser-known productions. This is another reason why Broadway often has more appetite for risk in this area. As a lot of theatregoers will be attracted to shows with leading actors in the cast list, it means producers will put on a riskier play because they can rely on a star name to boost ticket sales. Without the well-known name to pull in the crowds, which other theatre districts may not have, putting on a groundbreaking, possibly controversial show, is not as attractive a proposition. 

Range of smaller theatres to fill 

As we have noted already, there are 41 theatres in this area of New York City. Many are small establishments with 500 seats or so. It is the proliferation of smaller theatres like that which helps riskier plays get commissioned. These playhouses would not be able to compete with the bigger venues for household shows and certainly would not be able to handle the crowds who flock to see them. This means that they rely on fresh and diverse plays - without them, they would not have anything to put on for their public. Of course, these smaller venues also have less overheads which means they can afford to stage a riskier show which might not draw in huge crowds. 

Money and reputation 

Money and reputation are a big factor in this part of NYC being willing to take risks with the plays it shows. In terms of money, many shows in Broadway are backed by wealthy investors or production companies who can cope with a show not doing as well as planned. This is not true in smaller theatre districts where each show needs to make a profit for its backers. Broadway is also a premier theatre destination because of its reputation for being cutting-edge and contemporary. That can only be achieved by continuing to show new and challenging shows. This explains why it is more than happy to take risks with the plays or musicals it runs.

Broadway is a theatre lover's dream

This issue of choice and reputation maybe lies at the heart of why Broadway is so popular and also why it takes more risks. Those involved with the Broadway theatres know they have to offer a range of choice for audiences. Not all theatregoers want to watch massive productions like Legally Blonde for example and instead prefer edgier content to discover. By continuing to take risks with what they show, those behind Broadway are not only nurturing the next generation of writing talent but also ensuring it maintains its status as the place for great theatre. 

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