Signs It's Time to Install a New Garage Door

By Staff Reporter - 20 Sep '19 11:39AM

Some of us are indeed guilty of paying less attention to our garage doors, but who can blame us? There are just too many things to focus on in this activity-packed world.

We obviously do not need to go into the details of what a good garage door can do and cannot. Most homeowners are already acquainted with how much a well-installed garage door can give to them, and they also know that if properly maintained, it will really function longer. However, no garage door, irrespective of how strong, well-designed, and perfect it is, will last a lifetime. At some points, every homeowner knows that they will have to change their garage doors and install a new one. But how do you know your garage is due for a new door? How do you identify the telling signs that it's high time you bought a new door? These are the questions that will be answered and addressed within the context of this article, so do stay and enjoy the post. 

Persistent sign of wear and tear

All garage doors irrespective of their quality and durability come to terms with the fact that time is indeed king. It is absolutely normal to sometimes find simple cracks, scratches, and dents on the surface of your garage doors. At least those are signs that indeed people are living in the home and the door is performing its duties. But when you start seeing persistent signs of wear and tear like below the surface cracks, deep dents, warped edges, or rots at the bottom, then, it may be time to install a new garage door. Besides the obvious fact that these signs will negatively impact your property, it could also pose a significant security and safety concern too. After all, your garage door is supposed to stand the test of external pressure or force, not fall off its hinges upon the slightest pressure. 

You are repairing the door more than you are using it

Don't get it twisted; it isn't wrong to repair your garage door, at least if it means extending its durability and life span. However, when you start calling in your garage door repair professional more often than you are even using the door, then, it's obvious that the door is due for replacement. Many homeowners who fail to come to terms with this fact, end up spending more than double the cost of a new garage door installation on repair and maintenance. As garage doors get older, they will begin to require more attention, maintenance, and upkeep, but while we can continue to repair broken hinges, fix rotten bottom, and patch warped edges, it is always better to install a new one. Funny as it may sound, but persistent self-damage and signs of weakness is a garage door's way of speaking to its owner that it's due for replacement.

It hasn't been replaced in over 20 years

Are you one of those homeowners who barely take the time to check their garage doors out? If so, you are advised to go and do so once you get to the end of this post, especially if your garage door as been in use for over two decades. Chances are you will surely find some of the signs we've mentioned earlier, and you will realize that your old door is due for replacement. On another hand, if it is almost two decades since you last installed a garage door, then, it is evident that you've been missing out on the plethora of benefits that come with modern state-of-the-art garage door designs. Many of today's doors come with WI-FI installation, super strength, and are even more energy-efficient than their predecessors from twenty years ago. Also, if you are looking to reduce maintenance costs, utility bills, and general home maintenance costs, then, you have to replace your traditional garage door with a new and modern one.  

You want to upgrade the quality of the door

There are so many amazing features on today's garage doors that can help keep your home safer and more secure. If you've been looking to install some of these features on your old door, but you've practically been failing in your attempt, then, it may be time to finally replaced the old door if you really want to enjoy these upgrades. 

Improved home value

Perhaps you are looking to put your home or property out on the sale. Well, one of the major components of the home that can really raise the overall value of the property is, no doubt, the garage door. Your garage door plays a significant role in your curb appeal, which invariably affects the value of your home. Not only will a new and modern garage door make your home more appealing, but it will also improve your bargaining power when the time is right to get to sell.

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