The Benefits of Moissanite Stones

By Staff Reporter - 07 Mar '22 14:33PM
  • (Photo : Jeremy Bishop via Unsplash)

Moissanite is a naturally occurring stone found in meteor craters. It has powerful health properties and has been used for centuries as jewelry. People believe that it cleanses the mind and body and can help to center a person. This moissanite gemstone is believed to have healing powers and is a good choice for those seeking a beautiful and calming stone. 

Moissanite is a rare stone but since its discovery, research shows that it is Silicon carbide. The mineral silicon carbide (SiC) is rare, and it is used in very specific atomic arrangements. Its process begins with mixing SiC and carbon in a controlled environment. 

Manufacturers heat the mixture to 2200 degrees Fahrenheit, and then pour it into a mold. During this time, it solidifies into a moissanite stone. The stone looks like a large piece of glass. Its even color eliminates any possibility of impurities.

Why buy moissanite stones and allied products? 

There are many benefits of wearing Moissanite products. However, they are not limited to their aesthetic qualities. Here are the benefits that you can get from moissanite stones:

1. Value and Affordability 

    This gem is also affordable and makes it a good alternative for engagement rings. Its price range is competitive with diamond. A moissanite stone is much cheaper than a diamond. A one-carat Moissanite stone costs about $650, while a three-carat diamond costs nearly $1,500. The difference in price is striking. 

    2. Fire and brilliance 

      A moissanite stone is usually transparent and faceted, and has a high refractive index. This enables it to have a great degree of brilliance and color. For that reason, dealers use it to make wedding rings, bracelets, or earrings.

      It is an excellent choice for wedding rings and other jewelry. This natural gemstone is an excellent choice for the modern bride. Its unique luster and color make it the ideal choice for engagement rings.

      3. Clarity and beauty 

        The beauty of Moissanite is unparalleled. A moissanite gemstone is clear and has almost identical visual characteristics to Diamond. Its extremely high degree of fire and luster with minimal surface scratches makes it ideal for any setting.

        Moissanite will complement any accent stone. Its versatility makes it an excellent choice for wedding rings and engagements. You can see the beauty of moissanite in the way it is cut. In addition, the stone has a distinctively white hue, making it a perfect choice for wedding jewelry.

        4. Hardness and durability  

          It is a hard stone, and is therefore a great option for those looking for an alternative to Diamond. Its durability is the main reason why many people prefer moissanite to a diamond. Its superiority makes it an excellent choice for engagement rings. Unlike diamonds, moissanite is more durable, and does not lose its brilliance. Its brilliance and durability make it a great investment.

          5. Availability and Ethics 

            It is easy to find a beautiful moissanite ring. Sourcing a moissanite stone is also ethical and conflict-free. In contrast, mined diamonds are not sustainable, and moissanite is never mined. Dealers make moissanite in the laboratory hence making it more available than diamond. 

            6. Variety of shape and size 

              You can get moissanite in different sizes and shapes. This gives you many options compared to stones that are only available in specific sizes. Making moissanite in the lab has made this possible. It is easy to cut unlike diamond and therefore, it gives you better and stylish options. Additionally, it is lighter than diamonds based on carat weight. 

              7. Easy to Maintain 

                Moissanite lovers can attest of its quality and minimal need for maintenance. This stone does not require special treatment and cleaning. With simple soap and warm water, you can maintain your Moissanite and preserve it for as long as is possible with it. 

                Final Thoughts 

                When you buy a Moissanite ring, you are also ensuring that it is both practical and stylish. The durability of moissanite is one of the major benefits of moissanite. Its hardness makes it suitable for everyday wear and is only slightly harder than a diamond. This means that it is more durable and less expensive than diamonds. In fact, it is a great choice for anyone who wants a beautiful and budget-friendly durable stone.

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