Top tips for keeping your house warm in winter

By Staff Reporter - 04 Mar '21 14:08PM
  • (Photo : pexels)

It can be easy to spend a fortune on energy when it's cold outside. While heating your home is a necessity, it can also burn a massive hole in your bank account if you are not careful.

However, there are a few easy tips and tricks to keep your home warm and your energy bills low. Try out these methods daily to lower your energy bills and consider investing in long-term solutions for a more sustainable solution.

Things to do daily

To make the most out of your current heating system, you need to understand how the different controls work. For example, it takes up to thirty minutes for your home to cool down once you have turned off the heating. Factor in these thirty minutes when you are turning the heating off before bed!

Avoid drying your clothes on the radiator, as this can lower the amount of heat it releases. Make sure to keep furniture away from the radiators as well. The foam in upholstered furniture can insulate the heat and stop it from warming up the room.

Use a hot water bottle to keep yourself warm at night. During the day, open the doors inside your home to let the sun warm up the area. 

Long term changes 

Long-term changes are a little more expensive but sustainable in the long-run. If you have been with your energy supplier for more than three years, consider researching to see if there are some cheaper deals out there.

Check the insulation in your property. 25% of heat lost in a poorly insulated property is through the roof. If you need to add more insulation, make sure the existing material doesn't get compressed. 

Invest in underfloor heating to keep your home toasty warm throughout the day. Install thermostatic radiator valves as well, so you can control the heating in each room. Turn off the heating in your guest rooms if you don't use them on a daily basis. 

Replace your light bulbs with energy-efficient CFL bulbs, which use a staggering 75% less energy than traditional ones! 

Finally, if your windows need replacing - fit double or triple glazed ones to insulate your home. A significant amount of heat can be lost from old windows. While replacing your windows is an expensive task, it will help to lower energy bills in the long run. Besides, new windows will elevate any room and make it look a bit more modern as well!

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