Unique Clothing Trends in 2021

By Staff Reporter - 11 Feb '21 11:08AM
  • (Photo : Unique Clothing Trends in 2021)

If you are like most people, you wore sweats through most of 2020 because you did not go out of the house. The fashion industry took some major losses in the past year. Designers are certain to want to do whatever they have to do to save their brands and get back on their feet. There are a few trends to watch for this year.

Novelty T-Shirts

People who lived through the pandemic are going to want a souvenir of the horrid year. You are certain to see some incarnation of the phrase, "I survived 2020." There will also be baby shirts that will say things like "The best thing to happen in 2020." 

Personal t-shirt printing is likely to be very popular in the year 2021. With plenty of time on their hands, people come up with ideas for their own t-shirts and t-shirts that they can sell to other people. It is easier than it ever has been to design your own mugs and t-shirts. 

There are several t-shirt companies online that can print and ship shirts, mugs, and other novelty items on demand. Personalized masks are sure to be very popular as well. You can print a saying on a mask to fit nearly any mood. 2020 will go down in history as one of the most chaotic years the world has ever seen. Souvenirs from that year will probably be very valuable someday and novelty items are always sought after by antique dealers.

Shoulder Pads are Coming Back

No, you didn't wake up in a John Hughes movie, that woman you just saw walking down the street really was wearing shoulder pads. Broad shoulders for women are coming back in a big way.

This time the pads are coming back on boyfriend jackets. The "boyfriend" style, which is basically just oversized clothing, has been quite popular for the last several years. It is comfortable and can make a woman look more petite than she is in reality.

Midriff flossing

Even though all the gyms may be closed, designers are using this stomach baring style on many summer dresses. It features straps that crisscross over a woman's bare mid-drift in an asymmetrical manner. The straps may look okay over the flat stomach of a high fashion model, but if you have any belly fat at all, you may want to sit this trend out, lest you should be left with a waffle print on your stomach after looking like your abdomen is being squeezed out of a cheese grater all day. 

Belt Buckles

Although you may think of them as functional rather than fashionable, designers are looking to make a statement with belts this year. You can wear a bejeweled belt to make a conservative suit stand out or you can turn a plain pair of jeans into a western outfit by wearing a thick belt with a large buckle. You can also put an actual statement on your buckle. An eye-catching word or phrase on a belt buckle can express your political views, your religion, or even your thoughts on 2021 fashions.

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