5 Technological Advancements That Are Transforming the Nonprofit Sector

By Staff Reporter - 24 Oct '20 10:58AM
  • (Photo : 5 Technological Advancements That Are Transforming the Nonprofit Sector)

If you run a nonprofit, then you understand the importance of technology to your organization. Like so many industries, technology is transforming the nonprofit space. Technology helps nonprofits with sales, marketing, communication, management, relationship development, data analysis, and more. Here are some essential technological advancements for nonprofit organizations: 

1. Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) Software

CRM software makes your life easier in a variety of ways. It helps you improve your productivity, enhance your relationships with donors, clients, and volunteers, and enhance security and privacy.  

However, not all CRM software is made equal. Most CRM software is expensive to use, which is counterproductive for a nonprofit looking to minimize expenses. 

Sumac develops the only CRM you'll need because it has built-in basic nonprofit software functionality, and offers additional functionality such as donation pages, membership management, case management, and course registration, at a reasonable cost. Each package provides live phone support at no additional charge. Moreover, the software is easy to use. 

2. Near Field Communications (NFC)

NFC is an evolution of radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology. It's a communication system designed to transmit information between two electronic devices over a short distance of just a few centimeters. Its strength is that it doesn't require a fast connection to work. Also, unlike Bluetooth, it doesn't require much power, nor does it need pairing between devices.

While NFC is popular with nonprofits across Europe and Australia, it's also catching on in North America. In an age of physical distancing, it's an excellent medium for contactless donations. Donors use NFC to instantly donate to charities from their devices by accessing NFC donation boxes. For example, Christmas shoppers who pass by charity shops donate through the window with their Apple or Android NFC phone. Some nonprofit organizations that benefit from NFC include Blue Cross and The Salvation Army

3. Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is the interconnection of everyday things through the internet, allowing them to exchange data without human intervention, and provide users with a harmonious experience. Billions of things worldwide are a part of this network, including phones, cars, TVs, remotes, fridges, computers, and more. 

Nonprofits use IoT to their advantage in a variety of ways. For example, people watching TV at home quickly donate to a charity with their remotes while watching a charity commercial. At the same time, nonprofit wellness centers use IoT to deliver information to patients and forge bonds with donors.

4. Social Media Platforms

Technological advances in social media platforms help nonprofits connect with members, spread awareness, and raise funds. For example, some animal charities offer virtual reality tours to their followers on Facebook. 

5. Chatbots

A chatbot is a computer program that converses with human users across the internet and mimics human speech. Free chatbot services allow nonprofits to stimulate donors, accept payments, and share information with a human touch. Some nonprofits use chatbots to help people with Alzheimer's, depression, insomnia, and other afflictions. 

These are five of the many exciting technologies that transform the nonprofit sector. Take advantage of these technological developments to cut costs, improve security, raise funds, connect with constituents, and manage your organization. 

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