Export Google Docs to WordPress in Seconds

By Staff Reporter - 27 Jul '20 07:46AM
  • (Photo : pixabay)

Word Pigeon makes it easier for you to compose your posts in Google Docs and publish it to your WordPress website by eliminating the need to copy-paste content and losing your extensive formatting of text and images in the process.

The Process

Compose in Google Docs

Create your content on Google docs as usual. Don't limit yourself to basic formatting. It is encouraged that you to use creative and dynamic elements!

Note: You can still access and use commenting, editing, and suggestion features while collaborating in Google!

Export from Word Pigeon

In the next step, all your content would be accurately displayed in Word Pigeon. Hit export, decide whether you want a page or a post, a published piece or a draft, and then let Word Pigeon do its thing.

Finetune on your WordPress Website

While moving on to your WordPress website, you will find that Word Pigeon has already beaten you to it. Your content will be all ready for you, just as you had organized them on Google Doc, but this time on WordPress. Feel free to add any final touches and hit publish!



●      Select to export as a WordPress page or a post, draft or published into your WordPress blog

●      Choose tags for the WordPress post (optional)

●      Images exported across (PNG, GIF, JPG)

●      Animated GIFs supported

Preserve Details

●      Choose categories for your WordPress post (optional)

●      Choose the author of the WordPress post (optional)

●      Image resizes retained

●      Links retained

●      Colours retained for text colour, highlight colour and table cell background colour


●      Text decoration retained for bold, underlined, italic or any combination of the three

●      Tables exported

●      Embedded charts exported

●      Text alignment on the page and in tables retained

●      Horizontal lines inserted from the google doc inserted as


Why Use Google Docs and WordPress Together


One of the best features of Google Docs is the capability to share and collaboratively edit documents. This is simple even for users outside of the Google ecosystem.

By giving users permission to modify a document, multiple users can contribute and edit a piece of content simultaneously.


Perhaps one of the most under-appreciated aspects of Google Docs posting to WordPress is how it enhances the security of your posts. You can allow multiple collaborators without having to assign WordPress logins and user roles.

All the writing and editing can be done in Docs and saved to WordPress by one person, reducing the risk of security breaches and intentional site changes.

Ease of Use

Google Docs works like a simplified version of Microsoft Word. Because of its cloud functionality, everything is automatically saved to the document as soon as it is written, and Google Docs notes who contributed what content in the revision history.

Author Bio:

Written by Ester K. She is wrting content about Google Search Console and a sales and Public Relations (PR nerd), obsessed with research, sleeping in as much as possible, and listening to podcasts. When I am not at home with my fam I enjoy long walks through the beautiful city of Jerusalem. 

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