How Technology Helps Us Improve Our Health

By Staff Reporter - 25 Feb '20 12:10PM
  • (Photo : photo by Google)

How Technology Helps Us Improve Our Health

Experts in media keep sharing how technology is bad for us. It made us create a sedentary lifestyle, and now that's wreaking havoc in our general health.

However, such a one-sided view of things is not good. Technology has also produced tangible benefits for our health. If we use it right, it can even be good for us.

Today, we're taking a look at the ways technology improves our health and sharing some tips to use it for maximum benefits.

Usage in Healthcare

The first and most prominent benefit of technology for our health is its advancement in healthcare. Today, tech is everywhere in medicine - think X-rays, MRIs, and research equipment. 

People take advantage of innovations to discover diseases and learn how to prevent or treat them. What's more, this technology isn't only in hospitals. Doctor's offices and homes also use it to take care of health conditions and promote holistic health.

Genome Sequencing

Personal genomics is the possible future of healthcare. It refers to the analysis and sequencing of a person's genome and sharing the information with the person.

Genome sequencing is one of the most significant medical advancements in the last 40 years, enabling us to predict and prevent many diseases. While its common usage is still in the future, the prospect makes fantastic promises.

Mobile Health Apps

Healthcare apps are a perfect example of innovation in technology, improving our everyday lives. With a few clicks, you can find a doctor nearby, set up an appointment, and improve your health outside the doctor's office.

When it comes to life changes, such apps allow you to monitor your daily activities and analyze your habits to improve them. There are so many out there now, specializing in every possible aspect of health. 

Some help you remember when to take medication and others allow you to track your nutrition, and so on. The best part is, all you need to do is download and start using them! 

Mobile health apps can enable better communication between you and your doctor, provide them with vital information related to your condition, help you track medication and stick to them, and so much more.

Physical Activity Boost

On the one hand, technology has led us to sit more, which in turn causes many issues. On the other hand, technology also helps us get in more activity. 

Consider Fitbit, apps that track your steps, and those with ready-made workouts. They all allow you to set a personal target realistic to yourself and then try to reach your goal. That way, they give you control over the process and will enable you to work for it. 

There's also a psychological effect to these apps. They give you an overview of how you're doing, which by itself motivates you to do better. Plus, they offer simple, personalizable solutions, which is much easier than what you read in the papers.

You can find endless lists of such apps on any app store, and the chances are that you have one on your phone already. You can go for as straightforward or as complicated an app as you wish, counting steps, calories burned, nutrition, and even sleep monitoring.

In general, these innovations aim to improve your overall lifestyle, not only your step count. They push you to live a healthier life all in all, from sleep and food to water and exercise.

If you're on a weight loss journey, they can do wonders. Even if not, though, every person can feel the benefits of a small personal coach sitting on your display and reminding you to take care of yourself.

Tracking Devices

Keeping a healthy body requires smart lifestyle choices, a lot of preventative care, and regular checkups. The final item on the list is where we tend to fail, and for that reason, wearable tracking devices can make a world of difference.

Wearable health devices are changing how we take care of our health and promote better wellness tracking. Plus, these devices can raise an alert and notify our healthcare provider the second they notice hints of a medical issue.

These come in all shapes and sizes. For example, smartwatches measure your steps, and there are devices to take care of your heart mention those at

The Bottom Line

It's a challenge to maintain a healthy lifestyle, let alone improve our health status. It's not easy to change our daily routines in an always busy world, asking 100% of us all the time. 

Why not use technology - a thing we always have on us anyway - to help us? Apply the tips we shared above, and you'll notice yourself feeling better, and without a lot of effort, either.

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