How Online Shopping Can Improve Your Health

By Staff Reporter - 21 Jan '20 10:16AM
  • (Photo : How Online Shopping Can Improve Your Health)

It may sound counterintuitive, but the convenience of online shopping can do wonders for your health. And it has nothing to do with retail therapy, where the idea is to make purchases for the pure pleasure of buying things, regardless of whether or not you need them. 

On the contrary, the aim here is to buy, and if possible, automate the purchase of any items around the house that need to be regularly replaced. Many of these play a pivotal role in keeping you safe and healthy and previously required a trip to the store to obtain:

  • Smoke alarms

  • Water filters

  • Furnace filters

  • Humidifier pads

  • Carbon monoxide detectors

Let's take a closer look at the example of furnace filters to really understand how online shopping can help you feel better for longer.

What Are Furnace Filters?

Furnace filters are responsible for filtering the air your furnace draws into your house. They are usually made of paper and polyester, which are perfect for catching microscopic particles. Since the air comes from the outdoors, it's often contaminated with dust, hair, fumes, and bacteria. If any of these foreign substances got into your vents, you and your family may fall ill when it could have easily been prevented.

It's simply a matter of regularly checking your furnace filter for blockages and vacuuming up the excess build-up. Do make sure you turn your furnace off so it doesn't suddenly switch on while you're cleaning. You also need to determine what kind of filter you have to know how often you need to replace it. That way, you can set your automatic purchases accordingly. Yes, in our digitized age, you can even have furnace filters delivered to your home. It's certainly an interesting time to be alive.

What Kind of Filter Do I Need?

Filters can be reusable or disposable depending on the material they're made of. The kind you choose depends on your desired level of convenience. While disposable filters can simply be thrown away, reusable ones must be washed monthly to enjoy a long life.

  • Fiberglass filters are the most affordable but least dependable on the market. They must be replaced every month or so. 

  • Pleated polyester filters can last for up to 90 days, but it's a good idea to check on them monthly for blockages. 

  • Reusable furnace filters are made from woven layers of polypropylene fiber and can last up to five years. They represent the path of least hassle for any homeowner looking for optimum inner air quality while minimizing waste. 

What Is My Furnace Filter Protecting Me From?

Every furnace filter comes with a MERV rating, which stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. The scale runs from 1-20 and represents the sizes of particles filters are made to trap. It's generally recommended that households stick to a MERV rating between 8-11, which protects you from particles that stem from Legionella, hair spray, mold spores, and auto emissions. A higher rating would be appropriate for smokers, hospitals, or businesses with electronic equipment sensitive to dust. 

As you can see, automating your furnace filter replacements is an easy way to keep the air fresh and clean throughout your home. With a few clicks, you and your family can breathe easy and with confidence. Talk to your filter provider today to determine the right subscription schedule for you.

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