5 Top Programming Languages You Should Learn in 2020

By Staff Reporter - 21 Jan '20 10:03AM
  • (Photo : 5 Top Programming Languages You Should Learn in 2020)

The value of learning how to code is indisputable. Computer technology is everywhere and in almost everything we do, whether it's watching television, driving a vehicle, or using your smart phone. And all the technology that we use every day needs to be programmed in order to perform their functions.

With technology on the rise, the role of programmer and developer are in high demand. A number of people want to learn programming so that they can take advantage of this emerging job market. Parents are even looking at summer coding camps for kids in order to give their children an advantage in their future career prospects.

Are you thinking of learning a programming language in 2020? If so, here are five of the best ones you should start with - mostly for the popularity and ease of learning.

1. JavaScript

JavaScript is often considered the most popular programming language in the world. The reason for this is that it's the most common language used to build web pages. JavaScript allows you to create interactive web pages as well as simple video games which are often browser-based.

Not only is it easy to learn but it's also highly versatile and has a huge community that offers a number of resources and support. You definitely can't go wrong choosing JavaScript as your first programming language.

2. Java

Despite what you may think Java and JavaScript have little in common. Java is actually used in large organizations to build enterprise-scale web applications. Part of the reason why it's so heavily relied on is because it's considered highly stable as well as secure. If you're interested in working in a large organization then this is the language for you.

3. Python

Python is fast-growing in popularity, and will probably be even more favoured throughout 2020. This is because it is incredibly easy to learn, use, and deploy. Because this programming language is open-source, it has a large community and there are even meet-ups and conferences dedicated to it.

Commonly used to develop scalable web applications, you will find Python used in the development of familiar social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and even YouTube. If you want to get started with a language with an easy learning curve, then Python is the way to go.

4. C/C++

While C/C++ may not be the easiest programming language to learn, it's definitely valuable if you are looking to be a system-level programmer. Pretty much all low-level operating and file systems are made with this language, even the Apple OS X and Microsoft operating systems.

The other advantage of learning C/C++ is that it offers a great foundation for learning more complex programming languages. If you're interested in learning C/C++ then consider taking coding classes near you.

5. C#

Despite appearances C# is actually more similar to the programming language Java than it is to C/C++. It was developed by Microsoft and is used in the development of games, mobile applications, and enterprise software.

If you are interested in becoming a mobile app developer or game developer then you should consider learning C#.

Interested in learning how to code? Hopefully this list has given you a place to start in 2020!

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