7 Biggest Content Marketing Trends for 2020

By Staff Reporter - 16 Dec '19 16:16PM

If you have not started your digital marketing campaign, then you are probably behind the leading pack. On the other hand, you haven't gotten into a groove and you can explore the next generation in content marketing trends that reap the rewards for your business. 

Content marketing is on the up and if current trajectories can be followed, it is the only form of marketing that will dominate in 2020. The internet is the perfect marketing environment and content marketing and content marketing 2020 is set to be a year to change the game. 

Here, let's take a look at the seven biggest content marketing trends 2020.

Image 1: https://unsplash.com/photos/yyMJNPgQ-X8

Results-focused content

The premise of results-focused content has been around for a while. Although the technique has been used in other settings, when it comes to marketing, it put control in the hands of the user. 

For example, a professional essay service for Australians wants to tailor their content. With the help of a couple of metrics and professional systems, content is generated that is suited for the person doing the browsing alone. 

When a customer lands on a specific page, he or she is prompted to answer two or three quick questions and based on their selections, tailored content is generated. 

Video killed the blog star

Although it hasn't happened just yet, video content is on the rise. Although blog content still dominates the online content realm, video and live streaming is closing the gap. 

Consumers are more interested in watching a video than reading an article about it. For instance, a customer would rather watch a live video stream about apps to improve maths skills. Consumers tend to be engaged for longer periods of time with video content because they find it more entertaining. 

Video content is an excellent way for businesses to showcase their products and services and statistics show that catchy and engaging content generates higher ROI from customers. YouTube is set to be the future marketing space for businesses due to their inexpensive rates.

The influence of search intent

People don't just browse the internet on a whim, although you might go on a browsing binge and scroll through your various news feeds, there is always intent in a search. There are typically four types of searches, namely, informational, navigational, investigational, and transactional. 

Google has created algorithms that detect which type of search you are doing and filters the content according to your intent. 

Therefore, if you want your content to come up and rank in searches, then you need to ensure that the content you create, caters for all four of the different types of searches. That way, your business will have a better chance of being noticed. 

Conversational marketing for small businesses

If you have a niche market and you want to expand your reach, then you need to make use of word of mouth and conversational marketing. Consumers want to feel important and that the company is listening to them and their concerns. 

Hosting a live conversational streaming session with your customers enables you to have a real conversation with your customers. They chat with you and provide you with vital information without having to fill out a questionnaire or form. 

The sooner you start to communicate with your customers, the sooner you get info from them that will enhance their experience. 

Image 2: https://unsplash.com/photos/R-8Kkjaztn0

Voice searches are on the up

Cortana, Siri and Alexa are now household names and more and more people are starting to rely on voice searches than typed searches. One might think that there isn't a difference between the two, but what people say and what they write are entirely different. 

Although smart devices only get around 60% of voice searches correct, it is believed by 2020, 50% of all of the searches will be done by voice. As a content creator, you need to ensure that your content caters to both the written and spoken searches. 

The power of the podcast

Podcasts are booming and if your business allows for this tool to be used, the get on that train. Over the last decade, podcast listeners have nearly tripled. If you can create meaningful audio content that will help your business, then you will make a killing. On the other hand, you can create ads to be played on other podcasts. 

Improved content searches

Google has added some more algorithm power to their searches and now look at the quality and relevance of an entire page, rather than just a single phrase. If two sites host the same type of content of similar quality, the algorithm goes further and looks at the page as a whole and sees how the entire webpage corresponds with the search. 

When you build content, you need to make sure that everything that you create relates to one another for better results.


Content marketing for 2020 is going to change the marketing landscape into something never seen before. Personalization will be on steroids with all the new algorithms included in a search. More than that, content creators will need to plan much more carefully if they want the content to be worthwhile. 

Author Bio:

Connie Elser is a content marketing specialist, copywriter and editor working for a reputed online writing agency. Her tricks of the trade, combined with her superior writing skills, have helped many startups and small businesses scale new heights. In her free time, she works on her writing blog, tries oil painting and watches TV.

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