Apple iPhone Updates:iPhone AirPods Drop Calls? Finding Missing Pods Becomes Easier

By Maria Follet - 01 Feb '17 05:30AM

Apple has dared to make no use of the wires in its earphones anymore. This has undeniably made the smartphone community more curious about the Apple's AirPods.

However, despite its apparent hassle-free use because of the absence of the wires, it cannot be denied that once these pods are misplaced, one will surely have a hard time searching for these pods. That is why, there's already an app helping the user to locate the missing airpods.

Another issue hounding the Airpods is their rumored tendency to cancel all of the incoming calls when an iPhone owner uses it. Here's a more detailed discussion of what's new today for Apple's AirPods:

AirPod Locator Soon Be Introduced by Apple. Using Bluetooth technology is easier and convenient. However, if this will be used in locating the pods, it will take much of the energy of the battery, as what was reported at Forbes. However, Apple has come to an answer for that- "Find my AirPods"

Bluetooth is said to be participating in the app where the wireless technology is used to locate a pod. It is said that if a user finding the pods is already close to it, a "simple audible tone" will be heard. However, if finding the pods through sound will not be possible, the app will then enable a user to use a map showing the last places the person has used the pods since the app has a particular saving feature. There are many opinions about how people keep losing their Airpods, there is a vast variety of styles of earbuds that are more secure when it's on and also prevent falling out of your ears when you are doing activities.

AirPods Dropping Calls? According to what was reported at Business Insider, there are now users of the pods telling that whenever there will be incoming calls, the pods seem to be the reason of these dropped calls. Apple is investigating the issue to find out if the pods really "drop phone calls."

So what's the solution then? There is no confirmation yet about the company's action regarding this matter. But there are new reports saying that it is not just the pods which drop the calls but using the Apple Watch as well.

TAGSiphone, iPhone AirPods, iPhone AirPods NEws, iPhone AirPods Updates, iPhone AirPods Update, iPhone AirPods App, iPhone AirPods Locator, iPhone AirPods iPhone 8, iPhone 8 AirPods
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