‘South Park’ Prepared Hillary Clinton Victory Episode, Rewrites Latest Episode As Trump Wins President Elections

By R. A. Jayme - 11 Nov '16 05:42AM

A third quadrennial "South Park" day-after-the-election episode was premiered that has become a tradition. The said special episode required some last-minute revision.  Writers of the series have hurriedly rewritten the upcoming Hillary Clinton episode into a Trump episode as Donald Trump unexpectedly won with a close victory.

The Comedy Central series' had prepared alternate versions which were ready to go. Originally titled in online program guides as "The Very First Gentleman" on Wednesday, the episode title was replaced with "Oh Jeez."

"Things have not worked out the way they were supposed to," says the series impression of Hillary Clinton.

"South Park" has, in the later episodes, started to build their own Donald Trump in the persona of recurring a character and former elementary school teacher Mr. Garrison, with the series' unflattering version of Caitlyn Jenner as his running mate. Garrison described his candidacy in last week's episode, in a speech meant to bring an end to it: "When I started this campaign, I was saying a lot of [crap] because I was angry, and then I turned that anger into pushing buttons by being more and more outrageous. Slowly people started paying attention to me, and I guess it made me feel powerful." Then he asked people to vote for Clinton.

"I tried being dirty. I tried being vulgar. Nothing mattered," Garrison said in Wednesday's episode. Now he will be president, maybe. Late in the episode, at the family dinner table, Stan's dad, Randy Marsh, under the influence of the member berries, says robotically, "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm sure excited. America's going to be great again."

"This country's going to suck for four years," says his daughter, Shelly, protesting. "Aw, come on, Shelly," Randy responds. "We've learned that women can be anything, except for president."

Pedestrian TV reports that South Park works on a very tight and impressive schedule, with only six days to work on every episode to keep its content fresh and relevant. "South Park's: Oh Jeez" episode is now available to watch for free at the "South Park" website. 

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