6 City Living Dangers About Which Your Family Should Know

By Staff Reporter - 19 Jun '20 11:14AM
  • 6 City Living Dangers About Which Your Family Should Know
  • (Photo : 6 City Living Dangers About Which Your Family Should Know)

There are dangers of city living that don't apply as much for those in rural areas. If you and your family live in a major city, you should think about them before you venture outside your house or apartment. It does no good to be fearful in life, but at the same time, it's smart for you and your loved ones to exercise caution.

Here are some city dangers of which you and your family should be aware of.

Speeding and Reckless Drivers

Traffic is more prominent in big cities than in rural areas. This is because:

  • More people are living closer together

  • Where there are more people, there are more vehicles

  • There are abundant forms of public as well as private transportation, such as buses

Drivers who speed through neighborhoods can pose a serious threat to yourself and your family members. In Texas, for instance, speed was a factor one year in 745 fatalities.

Whether there are narrow streets near to you or busy intersections, talk to your family members about only crossing when the walk light is in their favor and where there is an intersection. You'll certainly want to mention this to your kids when you go out together.


Speaking of your kids, they should know to watch out for strangers in big cities and never to accept a ride from them. Talk to your kids about:

  • Strangers hanging around in parks

  • Lurking near the playground at school

  • On public transportation like trains or buses

Some individuals might have nefarious plans for your children. On occasion, when an adult tries to talk to your child in public, their intentions might be perfectly innocent. Still, it's best to advise your kids to be cautious.

The Pandemic

At the moment, the Covid-19 pandemic is one of the most dangerous aspects of city living. That applies not just to your kids, but also yourself and any other family members.

While the virus is more widespread in some cities and states than others, you should wear a mask whenever you go out in public, as should the rest of your family. Not doing so puts not only yourselves at risk but also others.

Virus exposure might be a reality for you already, and if you haven't taken a test, you have no way of knowing it. You might be asymptomatic, and by not wearing a mask, you endanger those around you. Follow local guidelines, but wear a mask as a basic safety measure.


Crime is another unfortunate reality of living in many major cities. This is not to say that crime doesn't happen in smaller communities, too. In a sprawling metropolis, criminals have anonymity on their side, which isn't so much the case in small towns.

You and your family members should follow some basic safety rules to avoid getting mugged or otherwise preyed on by criminals. If you go out at night, stick to well-lit areas where you know there is a routine police presence. Don't ever cut down dark alleys, and stay away from deserted areas with which you are unfamiliar.

Poor Food Choices

Some people might not think about their food choices as dangerous, but they can be. Living in the city, you and your family might eat fast food a lot, rather than fresh fruits, vegetables, etc.

You need to prioritize eating healthy and exercising to stay in shape. If you eat mostly fast food and lead a sedentary lifestyle, you can be looking at obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a long list of other dangerous and life-threatening conditions.


Pollution is also an issue in many larger cities. There are areas of California that are practically unlivable, especially for those with asthma and other respiratory conditions.

If you're going to move to a larger city, you should look into the air quality before you make up your mind. This might be a legitimate concern for you if you're an older adult and have respiratory issues.

There are also problems like poor drinking water and contaminants on public land. Do some research into these sorts of things before you and your family settle down somewhere.

Big city living is not for everyone. While there are some wonderful things about living in the larger and more prominent American cities, some choose not to do so because of the dangers involved. You'll have to weigh the pros and cons and decide what you and your family prioritize most.    

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