Keeping It All Together During These Crazy Times

By Staff Reporter - 18 Jun '20 16:37PM
  • Keeping It All Together During These Crazy Times
  • (Photo : Keeping It All Together During These Crazy Times)

If you were to sum up how 2020 has been so far in one word, chaotic would likely fit the bill. Like, if it were possible to rewind the hands of time and have a do-over or fast-forward to 2021 we'd jump at the opportunity in heartbeat. The coronavirus has impacted many and taken the lives of thousands, the stay at home orders and social distancing requests have all-but canceled outdoor activities, millions are out of work, and the kids are home from school. 

As if that weren't enough, this year there have been several senseless killings of individuals within the black community that has sparked millions to speak out against such acts of violence. While there has been a lot of positivity, love, and support, this also sparked rioters and looters to destroy businesses and establishments across the country. 

Needless to say, this year has not been great. The worst part about it is, we're only halfway through. There's no doubt that the state of the country and the changes that have taken place in your personal life has got you emotionally drained. The question is, how do you keep it all together with everything that's going on? Though it may seem like an impossible task, here are some tips on caring for your emotional health and weathering the storm. 

Take Care of Your Health

Your physical health is intertwined with your emotional health. Not to mention, the better physical shape you're in, the less likely you are to contract and/or pass away from the coronavirus. Therefore, you want to do everything you can to remain healthy. 

Start incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet and eliminating processed foods and toxic chemicals, break any bad habits like drinking or smoking, find a physical activity you like and indulge for at least an hour a day, and make sure you're getting 7-9 hours of sleep. 

Focus on Personal Development

You may not be able to go out, hang with friends and family, or engage in activities like you normally would while the pandemic is still underway, but that doesn't mean you have to sit at home like a bump on a log. This "downtime" is the perfect opportunity for you to work on personal growth. The more improvements you make, the better you feel about yourself and your ability to thrive despite all that's going on. 

Think about areas of your life that you want to improve. Then, develop a game plan using SMART goals and steps to help you reach the best version of yourself. There are plenty of self-help books, videos, and blogs out there you can turn to. If you have the funds to invest, you might also consider working with a life coach to help you get your life on track. 

Minimize Your Screen Time

Though it may seem like nothing to do but stare at your phone, computer screen, or television all day, too much screen time (especially now) can weigh on your emotional well-being. Unfortunately, the media doesn't necessarily shed light on the positive. In fact, they often exaggerate or highlight the negativity. Watching too much of this can drudge up overwhelming emotions for you that really aren't healthy. So, watch to stay in the know, but then unplug and find constructive ways to spend your time. 

Find Ways to Help

Focusing too much on your personal problems and the negativity going on in the world will only bring you down. So why not change your mood by doing something to help someone else? Whether you want to help small businesses in your community, give back to the homeless and those financially impacted by the coronavirus, show your support for families who have lost loved ones to COVID-19, or be part of the fight for racial equality and the end of police brutality in the US, there are ways to do your part. There's something about donating your time, money, or resources to something bigger than you that put's life in perspective and lifts your spirits. 

Know When You Need Help

Sometimes, despite your best efforts the emotional stresses of life can simply get the best of you. That's why it's important to know yourself well enough to know when you need help. If you're experiencing long periods of anxiety, stress, or depression, feeling emotionally overwhelmed or burned out, not eating or sleeping properly, then perhaps you should reach out to someone for assistance. Whether you visit sites like for mental health treatment or talk with a close friend, relative, religious leader, or mentor, it's important to speak up about what's going on inside. 

There's no way that these crazy times we're in don't have some sort of emotional impact on you. While it's completely normal to feel stressed, frustrated, sad, and even anxious, remaining in this emotional state can lead to extensive health problems. Do better by yourself by trying some of the suggestions listed above to keep it together, despite the madness of the world today.

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