League of Legends' Guide: How to Play New Champion Camille

By Mara T - 14 Dec '16 05:33AM

"League of Legends" have just added a new champion in the game and her name is "Camille the Steel Shadow" And since a good strategy is always needed to win the battle in LOL, this guide is all about her role, abilities and how to play her to the player's advantage. Everything will be discussed in details to help gamers learn how to she can be an asset for them.

How to Play Camille the Steel Shadow in "League of Legends"?

There are several ways to use Camille in the game. She can be played in the Top Lane or in the Jungle as long as the player knows how to use her according to the place where she is used. For Top Lane players, it's best to focus on making quick trades so players can attack their enemies early in the game. Try to engage with a quick combo but quickly retreat after it. Just use the Q as fast as possible and going back to base as soon as it is done. The Qs get the players the Move speed steroid and going back to drop the Ws in the base. This gives the player stronger Qs to make a second and huge damage on the opponent.

As for players who wants to use "League of Legends" Camille in the Jungle, it's going to be a bit challenging but its still doable. The first rotation will not be good and will likely take a lot of damage from the opponent but could improve as the game progresses. This is primarily because of her cooldowns so she cannot really act quickly. But players can speed the cooldown by centering on Camille's Ganking ability and E that allows to make the gaps closer.

"League of Legends" Camille Strengths

Camille is best used for her true damage proc on Q, Untargetability for a brief time, Talon's unique 'Parkour, the ability to do 90% slow with a max health AoE heal, and a shield with 20% health boost against enemies damage.

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