[VIDEO] ‘South Park’ The New Donald Trump Presidential Parody Is Here!

By Love Marie - 21 Nov '16 09:41AM

"South Park" is now on the Season 20 Episode 8, the latest episode is entitled "Members Only". It features the transition of Mr. Garrison (parody of Mr. Donald Trump) to the Presidential journey. It was one of the hilarious episodes of "South Park" tackling deeper more about the post-election.

The Donald Trump Parody may help the Season 20 to continue its journey along the way. As what the last episode show on fans, as the President (Mr. Garrison) start the adventure of being the president, first things first is his wig. Priority on physical appearance is important of course plus having the orange tan is likely to have the same features on the newly elected President Donald Trump. As Mr. Garrison tour around the Pentagon to familiarize on the new task as the President which includes a room with a Drone control program that uses to kill anyone, a wiretapping device via satellite surveillance in case the president wants to listen on some private conversations. One of the big things in the rooms are the nuclear control room, in just one click Mr. Garrison can pulverize any country he wants instantly four minutes in time.

Mr. Garrison is now willingly accepted the reality of his powers as the president and hilariously showing off his winning victory. Flaunting his Presidency to the every person that didn't believe in him, he came back from the past people who bullied him, enemies, that anger him now looking down because they know he had more power than now.

There is also a part wherein Elon Mask touring the people around, also he gets a chance to show his pizza box invention that when heat trigger it will get bigger! Sounds awesome? It can possibly feed more than a hundred persons

'South Park' is not all about just vulgar words or offensive puns, they fictionally showing what people thinking futuristically.

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