'Transformers The Last Knight' Updates; 'Transformer 5' First Glimpse Of Footage; Location Shoots, Story Behind Filming And More

By Chad Jarvis - 18 Nov '16 04:20AM

"Transformers: The Last Knight" is now on the next level.  New photos of the shoot started surfacing as the development continues. 

The Arthurian Legend themed film visits the classic medieval period.  Reports also say that the story plot is thought of involving the German political party to be involved in overpowering Great Britain.  The scenes include England's mystical place, the Stonehenge, King Arthur, and the transforming giant robots are sure to make an appearance. Yes, historic places and robots. 

Another item looked upon is that the talk of World War II scenes will be presented as a flash back, an element of the time travel movie insert is considered.  Notice that the story plot involves historical occurrences, but the details were made for movie presentation purposes only, and ought not to be considered as a factual account.

The "Transformers the Last Knight" is Optimus Prime finding his home planet, which is now in extinction, the Cybertron.  Feeling responsible for the mass killing of the planet where he belonged, Optimus finds way to put it back to life.  He initiates on the search for Quintessons through the cosmos.  These beings are the key for the creation of another race of Transformers.  In doing so, he must travel to earth to find and artifact and evidences he needed for the retrieval.  Will he be able to find the way? 

While on earth, lead star Mark Wahlberg, Cade Yeader faces alien threats, thereby necessitates the possible comeback of Epps and Lennox and other significant characters. The story continues to follow the battle between man and robot.  This robo-film promises of a full packed action complexed with several explosions that will feed the hearts of the hungry 'Transformer' fanatics.

More to find as the Transformers: The Last Knight conquers the theater on June 23, 2017.

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