Minecraft: Pocket Edition Latest Rumors: Eager Fans Expect Game's 0.15 Update Soon

By Peter R - 23 May '16 08:16AM

Fans eagerly anticipating Mojang to release Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15.0 are speculating the game's release. While some believe it could be soon, without being definitive about a date, others have a date!

One Reddit user claimed Mojang will release the update on May 25 but offered no sources to back the information. The user claimed the date was arrived at after perusing all publicly available information about the game. The claims however did not find acceptance in the forum.

"I've been digging around in some of Mojang's publicly released files, and I know of the days that the update 0.15.0 will be anticipated to release. Check for the update on May 25th! If it isn't on May 25th, I will let you know when the next possible release date is," wrote the user only to be booed by others.

Mojang tested MCPE 0.15 with Minecraft Realms, a new server service that allows players to enter worlds of others irrespective of the platform of gameplay. If excitement among fans awaiting the final release is any indication, Realms has been a big hit.

0.15 update is also expected to bring other things new to the game. Archers, fire charges, and villages that look different are also said to be some of the changes part of the update. Besides Realms, another major update is Command Blocks that help gamers program into Minecraft to make just about anything they want.

An image claiming to show the change-log was tweeted with claims that it shows bug fixes and a release of the update is close at hand. The purported log lists mutton, spawn eggs, mobs, arrows and other features speculated to be part of the update.

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