Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is Climbing The Charts; Much-Anticipated DLC 3 Is Yet to Be Explored

By Bisma Kaleem - 21 Apr '16 08:54AM

The very acclaimed yet applauded thrilling game Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 has bounced back as part of the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Series, producing endless buzz and entertainment for the addicts as the game revises to please the fighters.

The publishing platform Bandai Namco stunned the fighters by releasing the second DLC for the marvel and now another adrenaline-charged update confirms the availability of the third downloadable content for the game.

The sensational news was popped up by Saiyan Island, which features the members of the Sound 4 and how players can expect that Kidomaru, Sakun/Ukon and Tayuya will be present at the Cursed Seal Level 2.

The Sound 4 is a group consisting of elite ninjas who serve the Orochimaru. The group contains Jirobo, Kidomaru, Sakun/ Ukon and Tayuya and all of them are epitomes of such incomparable skills and knacks that they can set out in the battle for performance enrichment.

A couple of magazines just exposed a plethora of jaw-dropping, ultimate features that will be available shortly. Aside the novel and daring contestants, the third package of the DLC will also be revealing costumes from the previous parts, information cards, matching voices and outstanding sets of items, as per the game's official website.

If you are a dedicated fan of the manga based Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 then stay tuned to acquaint with latest updates and useful information regarding the recent DLC pack.

The release date for DLC 3 is just around the corner and might be available to the fanatics in the coming week ahead, till then fans can distract themselves with the super power Gaala on DLC 2, which was released April 12.

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