Mobile World Congress: Samsung Aims To Outwin Apple With Galaxy S7

By Jenn Loro - 22 Feb '16 09:16AM

A thermonuclear war between Apple and Samsung is likely to detonate at this year's Mobile World Congress (MWC). However, Samsung vows to outwin its fierce competitor and iPhone maker in its attempt to showcase a wide array of features that raise the bar of what a smartphone should be.

Since Apple is set to unveil its flagship iPhone 7 later this year, the next generation Galaxy 7 is expected to create big headlines at one of the world's largest mobile tech conference which starts off Monday next week in Barcelona, Spain.

Is there anything new?

Well, Samsung has already implemented a major overhaul of its smartphone design with its 2015 flagship- the Galaxy 6 and its variants. A report by Fox News indicate that while S7 design is likely to resemble its predecessor, tech buffs can expect some subtle changes.

While Samsung aims to outdo Apple in every step of the way, it also fights off other Android phones that are also trying to make a good impression with their crafts.

Well, the Korean smartphone maker has every reason not to stay complacent. While it remains the world's largest mobile manufacturer, its market share fell to 22.5 per cent share according to a report by The Telegraph. Also, like any other mobile tech companies, it has the burden of trying to convince high end user that they're worth a very high price tag that Apple has.

Meanwhile, the Cupertino-based iPhone maker will skip MWC after getting embroiled in a privacy dispute with FBI which asks the tech company to create an iOS version that would allow it to hack into the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino attackers as reported by USA Today.

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