Adele Gets Emotional With Her Songs, Too!

By Maria Slither - 14 Nov '15 13:54PM

Adele's songs have moved listeners for its poignant lyrics and melody. In a recent interview, the songstress admitted that her songs also got her emotional while she is writing them.

"In order for me to feel confident with one of my songs it has to really move me. That's how I know that I've written a good song for myself-it's when I start crying. It's when I just break out in [expletive] tears in the vocal booth or in the studio, and I'll need a moment to myself," she said in an interview with NY Times as mentioned in E! Online.

Adele's career started to set off with the release of '21' in 2011 said to be the greatest album of all time based on the Billboard charts that had outwitted Julie Andrews' Sound of Music soundtrack in 1965, Reuters said.

The album's concept revolved on broken hearts and sadness that the singer has masterfully transformed in her songs.

"How I felt when I wrote 21, I wouldn't want to feel again. It was horrible. I was miserable, I was lonely, I was sad, I was angry, I was bitter. I thought I was going to be single for the rest of my life. I thought I was never going to love again. It's not worth it," she said.

Four years after her success, the British icon hit the airwaves again with her newly-released single Hello said to have sold a staggering 1 million copies on its first week, TV News Room reported.

Hello will be part of her upcoming album 25 set to be released on November 20.

Meanwhile, a sad news for Adele fans using Spotify as the singer has decided not to include Hello and her upcoming songs to be heard in the streaming site but may sign a contract with Apple iTunes to have streaming rights for her upcoming album.

Previously, other music artists including Taylor Swift and Coldplay have also decided to pull out their tracks from the streaming site as well.

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