Pokémon Go' Release Date and Rumors: $ 30 Million Comes Niantic's Way. Could the game get better?

By Peter R - 15 Oct '15 15:08PM

Pokemon GO could turn out to be better than what its teaser showed last month, courtesy a $ 30 million boost to Niantic.

According to a The New York Times blog, Niantic claimed to have raised $ 20 million from Google, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company. Another $ 10 million could be coming its way if certain milestones are reached.

"We will be using this capital to continue the development of Pokémon GO, to evolve and grow Ingress and its thriving global community, and to build out our real-world gaming platform," Niantic CEO John Hanke wrote in a blog post.

Hanke, with representatives of Pokemon and Nintendo, announced Pokemon GO last month. The game will see users capture and battle Pokemon in the real world. Users will be assisted by a wearable Pokemon GO Plus device.

Hanke also announced series of Ingress events this fall.

"We are hard at work in our new San Francisco and satellite offices preparing for a series of massive, global Ingress events this fall readying Pokémon GO for launch next year, and extending our platform to support a variety of experiences that support our core values of exercise, discovery, and fun."

Pokemon GO is slated for 2016 release. Fans have already begun speculation about various facets of the game including the generation of Pokemon that will be featured.

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