Kelly Gissendaner: First Woman Executed in Georgia in 70 Years

By Kanika Gupta - 30 Sep '15 15:09PM

Kelly Gissendaner became the first woman in Georgia to be executed by a lethal injection, despite repeated requests of amnesty by her children and also by Pope Francis who called to halt her execution but was ignored, reported Daily Mail.

A witness present during her execution told WXIS that she was singing Amazing Grace, the hymn for forgiveness and redemption, all the time during her injection. Once injected, she let out 2-3 deep breaths and then finally collapsed. She even asked those present there to tell her children that she died while singing this song. The witness also said that Kelly called her husband, Douglas Gissendaner, a nice who died because of her. Before she died, she said she was sorry and prayed till her last breath.

As reported by the Guardian, Kelly Renee Gissendaner was executed with a lethal injection for slaying her husband in contrivance with her lover. She was sentenced to death by the courts despite please for clemency and last minute appeals made by her lawyers. Her final words, according to witnesses were, "I just want to say God bless you all and I love you, Susan. You let my kids know I went out singing Amazing Grace,".

Kelly Gissendaner was the only woman, in the history of Georgia, to be on a death row. She was sentenced to death after she was found guilty of convincing her lover, Gregory Owen, to kill her husband Doug Gissendaner, reported ABC. Owen and Kelly had discussed killing her husband 2-3 times before finally agreeing to murder him. It was agreed that while Kelly went out with friends on 7th February 1997, Owen would kill Doug and it was executed exactly as planned.

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