‘Big Brother 17’ Spoilers: Will the New HoH target Vanessa for Eviction?

By Cheri Cheng - 21 Aug '15 13:24PM

"Big Brother 17" has reached week nine and the members of the house are ready to shake things up even more. 

According to the spoilers from the live feeds, Austin Matelson has beat out James Huling to become the winner of the Head of Household competition. Austin, Liz and Julia were thinking about letting James or Johnny Mac win but Austin decided against it because he felt that he could no longer trust anyone.

Now, Austin is left with the hard decision of deciding on whom he will put up for eviction.

The live feeds show that Austin has been thinking about nominating Vanessa Rousso. However, he might not risk it. Instead, it seems like he could be convinced by Vanessa to pick Meg and James while targeting Johnny Mac as the backdoor option. If Austin does not go down this route, the spoilers suggest that he might end up electing John and Steve.

Based from the live feeds, however, Austin seems to be very undecided on whom to choose. He has been talking to so many people about different combinations and tactics throughout the night. The only thing Austin seems to be set on is not electing the twins.

This is Austin's second HoH. So far, Austin has survived 10 evictions without being nominated.

Becky Burgess was evicted last week. 

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