102-year-old Man and 91-year-old Woman To Be World's Oldest Ever Newlyweds

By R. Siva Kumar - 27 Apr '15 19:17PM

Together, they will be just 195 years young. The British couple is going to become the world's oldest newlyweds after they tie the knot in summer, according to itv.

George Kirby will be 103 when he marries 91-year-old Doreen Luckie on June 13, at a hotel in Eastbourne, East Sussex, which is where they live.

Their wedding will be attended by their large extended family---seven children, 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren between them. Yet, they joke that they have been "living in sin" for 27 years. It's only now that they want to marry officially.

George, who worked for the RAF, said: "I suppose it's about time, really. I definitely don't feel my age - Doreen keeps me young."

Doreen thought about it and confessed: "I won't be much of a blushing bride, but I'm getting a bit giddy thinking about it," according to dailymail.

One flaw in George's proposal was not kneeling when he asked her. "I didn't get down on one knee, because I don't think I would have been able to get back up," he confessed.

Doreen looks forward to buying a "nice dress" for her big day rather than creating new records. She wants a nice dress, but nothing "too glamorous".

"I'm quite short, so it's very difficult buying things for short people," she said. "So I'll just have to look around and see what there is... just a nice dress, not a long dress."

They met in 1988, when George was 76 and had just got divorced. She was widowed by three years. They came together through "an organisation to find friends for mature people".

Doreen admitted that she was taken aback by their record-breaking history.

"I didn't think that was possible, because you hear so many people living into their hundreds now, and lots of people in their nineties, I thought 'well, we can't be the only ones'," she said.

George's son, Neil, owner of the Langham Hotel where they live admitted that they are "very much in love with each other".

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