‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 7 Theories & Spoilers: Jon & Meera Reed Are Secret Twins? Here Are The Proofs

By Regina Bishop - 12 Dec '16 04:50AM

"Game of Thrones" fans are no stranger to theories. The highly popular series' upcoming seventh season is rampant with theories and speculations, and one involves a familial link between Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Meera Reed (Ellie Kendrick).

For those unacquainted, this "Game of Thrones" theory speculates that Jon and Meera are secret twins who were separated by Ned Stark (Sean Bean) and Howland Reed (Leo Woodruff) after birth. In this theory, Ned and Howland found the former's sister Lyanna lying dead in the Tower of Joy after giving birth to her child with Rhaegar Targaryen. Ned took home the baby boy who later became Jon and Howland raised the girl as Meera, according to TVGuide.

This theory appeared to be false on "Game of Thrones" Season 6, which showed that Lyanna only gave birth to one child - Jon. However, it's also plausible that Meera wasn't shown in the episode so the storyline remains exciting. After all, revealing Meera as one of the possible successors of the Iron Throne would no doubt be shocking to both viewers and the HBO show's characters since it's the last thing anyone would suspect.

Kendrick is aware of this "Game of Thrones" theory but isn't entirely convinced about it. The actress told TVGuide that she doesn't know whether there's a huge secret lurking behind Meera about her real parentage.

Kendrick stressed that the "Game of Thrones" creative team usually keeps the actors in the dark about the show's twists because "they know the actors can't keep secrets." She believes that Meera being Jon's twin "might not" be real but she will "never rule anything out with this show because they surprise you at every turn."

This "Game of Thrones" theory about Jon and Meera gained traction because of the characters' striking resemblance, particularly their curly hair. On A Wiki of Ice and Fire, the two were both indicated as being born in 283 AC, which is the same time when Lyanna died.

However, it should be noted that Jon and Meera have different eye colors. Starks are known for their steely, gray eyes and Meera has a green pair. The theory can be plausible if her eyes are violet -- a common trait of the Targaryen clan -- but she doesn't have those either, TVGuide noted.

Do you believe that Jon and Meera are secret twins or their same birthdays and curly hair are just coincidences? Sound off in the comments section below! "Game of Thrones" Season 7 premieres in the summer of 2017.

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