
Ice Cream Cone Creature Known As 'Hyolith' Update; Mysterious Sea Creature Given A Family Tree

By Carrie Winters - Jan 12, 2017 05:39 PM EST

A cone-shaped sea creature has finally found its family tree. This mysterious sea creature has been in the ocean 500 million years ago.

Will Mexico's Vaquita Marina, World's Smallest Porpoise, Get Extinct?

By R. Siva Kumar - May 17, 2016 10:18 AM EDT

If steps are not taken to conserve the world's smallest porpoise, Mexico's endangered vaquita marina, it could get extinct by 2022.

12-million-year-old fossil Shows 'Bone-Crushing' Omnivorous Dogs in Ancient N. America

By R. Siva Kumar - May 15, 2016 02:14 PM EDT

Scientists have found a 12-million-year-old dog fossil in Maryland. The fossil seems to point to a new kind of canine species called "bone crushers."

Sumatran Rhinos Are Extinct In Malaysia

By R. Siva Kumar - Aug 23, 2015 06:08 PM EDT

Scientists feel that the rhino, the most endangered large mammal, is now extinct in its primary habitat.

Polar Bears Will Be Extinct Sooner Than Previously Thought And Humans Are To Blame

By Kamal Nayan - Jul 06, 2015 02:16 AM EDT

Polar bears will soon be extinct due to global warming, according to a recently released government report.

White House Announces Plan to Save the Honeybees

By Cheri Cheng - May 19, 2015 04:03 PM EDT

The White House has officially announced its plan to save the honeybees.

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