
A Mini Heart Has Been Developed On A Microchip!

By R. Siva Kumar - Mar 21, 2015 07:23 PM EDT

A breakthrough model of a heart on a microchip can replace animal models that do not mimic human responses, say researchers.

Bill Maher Gets Real: Religions Are "All Stupid and Dangerous'

By R. Siva Kumar - Jan 09, 2015 04:31 AM EST

In a TV show, Bill Maher is candid about how religion leads to violence.

More Trouble in Missouri as Cops Kill Man 2 Miles from Ferguson (VIDEO)

By Dustin M Braden - Dec 24, 2014 11:18 AM EST

Tensions in Ferguson, MO, which had begun to calm after weeks of unrest and demonstrations after the shooting of Michael Brown and the failure to indict Darren Wilson, are set to catch fire again after the police in nearby Berkeley, MO killed a young black man.

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