Bobbi Kristina Brown Update: Lawyers Slam Life Support Stories

By Cheri Cheng - 17 Feb '15 14:40PM

Bobbi Kristina Brown, who has been hospitalized since Jan. 31 when she was found unconscious in her filled bathtub, is not being taken off of life support. Bobby Brown's lawyer, Christopher Brown told People Magazine that the stories regarding Bobbi Kristina's life support status are all false.

The 21-year-old daughter of legendary singer Whitney Houston remains at Emory University Hospital in a medically induced coma. Sources reported that Brown will not pull the plug because of his religious views. He will do whatever it takes to keep his daughter alive. Close family members are also praying that she can pull through. However, her condition is grim.

One family member stated, "There hasn't been a change in the past week."

Due to conflicting reports about Bobbi Kristina's status, the facts surrounding her case and condition have remained unclear. Over the weekend, stories claimed that Bobbi Kristina's organs were shutting down. Prior to those stories, sources claimed that Bobbi Kristina had opened her eyes.

On Feb. 11, the Roswell Police Department in Georgia stated that they investigating the incident to determine whether or not there was foul play involved. Bobbi Kristina had unexplainable facial injuries. The police are reportedly looking into Bobbi Kristina's longtime boyfriend, Nick Gordon.

"The incident has always been under criminal investigation," the police said in a press release. "Criminal investigations may or may not result in criminal charges being brought against individuals."

Gordon, who reportedly has not visited Bobbi Kristina at the hospital, has tattooed her name on his arm. He tweeted on Feb. 15, "Thank you for all your prayers. She is a strong person and will pull through this. Continue to pray for her."

In the meantime, Brown and grandmother Cissy Houston have remained by Bobbi Kristina's side.

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