Presidents Day: Fun Facts About The Day When We Pay Tribute To Our Presidents

By Kamal Nayan - 16 Feb '15 23:33PM

Generally, Presidents day is known for a deluge of promotional sales but deals aside the day is historically important.

Presidents Day holiday takes place on the third Monday of the Februrary. We might call the day as Presidents Day, but the official name for Presidents Day is Washington's Birthday.

Initially, the Presidents Day was declared holiday for federal workers in the District of Columbia in 1879 but it was later adopted by Congress for all federal offices by 1885.

On 100th birthday of George Washington (Feb 22), a joint committee was established to organize festivities for the celebration. On his 130th birthday Supreme Court justices, the Congress and high ranking officials in the Cabinet, Army and Navy listened to the Secretary of State read aloud Washington's Farewell address, which until now is still being done for the Senate.

The holiday was later moved to third Monday of February, in hope that the three-day weekends would provide economical and spiritual benefits for the country.

Presidents Day is often an occasion to remember all the presidents and not just George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is also in February.

Other variations of the day include Presidents' Day, President's Day and Washington's and Lincoln's Birthday.

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