The Legend of Zelda Release Date 2015: Majora's Mask 3DS Version Drops Friday Before Wii U Release

By Peter R - 12 Feb '15 17:35PM

While the release for Legend of Zelda 2015 for Nintendo Wii U is nowhere in sight, the remake of Majora's Mask for Nintendo 3DS will be released on Friday.

"The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask" 3D will be launched with the new Nintendo 3DS XL and is expected to find a lot of takers given the revamped game play. One of the major changes made is the concept of time. Though the game requires task completion in 72 hours before moon crashes into Termina, it allows flexible movement in time, reports the Pop Culture Blog. A player can exactly choose time in the future to hop to. However, Nintendo has made game play tough as time-hopping will rest all achievements and earnings.

"Majora's Mask 3D has a number of changes from the original 2000 Nintendo 64 release - more than the 2011 remake of Ocarina of Time. Some changes are small, while others drastically affect the pacing, but every change is worthwhile and well implemented. The biggest and best change is the way Link speeds up time. On Nintendo 64, if you wanted to participate in a specific event, you could speed up time to make it arrive faster, but even then, you couldn't escape the need to wait," notes Game Informer.

"Link still can't go backwards in time (other than the hard reset, which places him back to the beginning of the three day period), but now he can jump forward to whenever he wants."

As fans await the release of Legend of Zelda for Wii U, CNET reports that Netflix is reportedly working with Nintendo to stream a live-action show which is being dubbed 'Game of Thrones' for families.  

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