Pampering Your Pet (Without Breaking the Bank)

By Staff Reporter - 17 Dec '19 11:33AM
  • Pampering Your Pet (Without Breaking the Bank)
  • (Photo : Pampering Your Pet (Without Breaking the Bank))

Dog owners know that dogs are more than just pets. Once you spend enough time with your furry friend, it's impossible to see them as a mere "pet." Soon enough, your dog becomes a part of your family. It's a beautiful thing-but it can also make you feel more responsible than ever for giving your dog the very best. When you're close with a wonderful animal, you find yourself doing extensive research on everything from healthy dog foods to luxurious dog clothes (yes, really). You may start to feel more like a parent than a pet owner!

The only problem is that the companies that make their money off of pet lovers have wised up to the increasingly over-the-top ways in which great owners want to pamper their pets. That, in turn, has led to a wild inflation in pet care prices and a "gentrification" of products as diverse as dog treats and leashes.

You want to give your dog the very best, but you shouldn't have to break the bank to do it. That's why we're here to provide some helpful tips for balancing superior care and luxury with the cold, hard financial realities that keep normal folks from building a second story for the doghouse. 

Use a subscription service.

If there's one thing that caring dog owners really obsess over, it's dog food. The stuff that our childhood pets ate in days gone by wasn't exactly fine cuisine and modern pet owners have come to realize how much garbage (sometimes literally) is in the big brands of cheap dog food. That has fueled a market for healthier and fancier foods. For the most part, this is a good thing! Pet owners want to give their dogs the very best food so that the dog can enjoy it and stay as healthy as possible. But it's also true that some of the new stuff makes pretty ridiculous claims, and that a lot of it is way, way too expensive.

If you're looking for a way to get great dog food without overpaying, consider looking into dog food subscriptions. These convenient services allow you to sign up for regular deliveries of dog food, and they offer top brands of healthy food. They're efficient enough to keep costs relatively low, and you'll enjoy saving time and hassle as well as money.

Massage your pup.

The idea of massaging a pet may sound ridiculous, but experts say that it's actually a wonderful thing for your animal. After all, dogs don't have the flexible limbs and opposable fingers that we use to scratch ourselves or knead a tender muscle. And there is a boatload of evidence that dogs simply love to be touched by their human friends-in fact, it's good for a dog's health to receive physical affection from a trusted owner. With all of this in mind, consider giving your pet a bit of a rub-down. It's free, and it's a great way to make your dog happier and healthier. You don't have to be a professional masseuse to pull it off, either-just give some basic tips a quick read, and avoid exerting too much pressure on your smaller and furrier pal.

Get social.

Dogs are social animals. Most of them love people and (at least some) other dogs. You can help your dog get to know some friends of its own species by splurging on a day of doggy daycare, which will also free you up to go out and do something with your pet-free time. If you're concerned about your budget, though, why not just head to the park? A public park is a great place for your pet to get some fresh air, and the local dog park will likely be full of friendly canines who enjoy socializing. It's a free way to improve your pet's day.

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