‘The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’ Has Amazing Gaming Options; Did The Gamers Notice It?

By Jeff Thompson - 06 Mar '17 14:58PM

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has just been released, and it received an excellent rating from both reviewers and fans and it is reportedly engaging the gamers well. Though the game is one of the best in the recent times, people are not fully aware of the weapons and features it offers, or still, some are confused with it.

The game has no permanent weapon, and almost all the weapons are breakable. Importantly, every weapon breaks after 15 minutes, and this could be annoying for some of the users while playing the game. Interestingly, the weapons are complex in nature with its applicability. Boulder Breaker does a lot of damages within seconds, but it doesn't kill the enemies fast. It has a number of weapons with various severity range like hammers, boomerangs, heavy and light swords, spears, etc.

The game has a number of elemental powers that make the gamers fight against the most dreaded enemies. Ice-infused arrow and weapons are an excellent choice for freezing the monsters. It also gives additional time for the gamer to reposition himself. Another weapon is fire, but it is not very useful and can mostly be used to set fire flaming barrels and kill icy enemies. Thunder can be used for giving a shocking moment to the enemies, and it would be useful to apply on enemies to make them dropping their weapons.

The gamers have options for choosing hearts or stamina while playing the game. It is better to choose the heart over stamina as it can be helpful for the gamers to run out of life due to some hard hits. However, it should be noted that the stamina drops over a period of time. While completing heavy tasks, gamers can choose to pause the game until eating stamina and then proceed with the task.

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