Last Wave Of Nintendo Mini NES Classic Console Stocks Before Christmas As Confirmed By Amazon, Best Buy, And Think Geek.

By Jayde Winston - 14 Dec '16 18:19PM

A new wave of Nintendo Mini NES Classic Consoles are on the list and are ready to be delivered. Amazon, Best Buy, and Walmart have confirmed their stocks inventory and informed hunters that they are ready for grab. Here are the latest schedules from these retailers.

Amazon Prime has started selling Nintendo Mini NES Classic Consoles from different cities such as D.C., Virginia Beach, Richmond, Baltimore, Raleigh, Nashville, ATL, Miami, Tampa, and Orlando. Although the company confirms that stocks are on limited status only, but assured customers that stocks are still available as of this moment.

It was also reported that Best Buy scheduled delivery of Nintendo Mini NES Classic Console on December 20th. The company assured that the sale system will be a "first come, first serve" basis. Therefore, fans should anticipate a long line right at the store door steps. The company also warned that stocks will be on a limited status as well.

Meanwhile, ,Think Geek thought about a new gig in selling Nintendo Mini NES Classic Consoles. The company came up with a lottery ticket system in order to be fair with all of their customers. The guidelines are simple, customers should sign up for their free account registration to qualify for the lottery ticket. Think Geek made sure that fair and equal sale handling is offered to all hunters in order to avoid the issue tagged with Urban Outfitter according to some recent reports.

Other retailers such as Walmart, Target, and much more have not yet confirmed stocks inventory for Nintendo Mini NES Classic Console. Furthermore, Nintendo poorly anticipated the Nintendo Mini NES Classic Console's demand and promised to provide more stocks in the succeeding days.

It is still highly suggested to use live notification stock update tool in order to get an early head start once the stocks dropped. What are your thoughts about Nintendo Mini NES Classic Console restocks update? Share us your thoughts in the comment section below.

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