‘The Flash’ Season 3 Episode 10 Spoilers News & Updates: Barry’s Unfortunate Fate

By Joyce Vega - 09 Dec '16 19:03PM

Every hero has its ups and downs, moments of strength and glory as well as moments of weakness. In the previous episode of “The Flash” titled “The Present” Barry (Grant Gustin) headed to Earth-3 to get advice from Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) on how to stop Savitar. While Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) tells him he has been training with H.R. And when it came to Cisco (Carlos Valdes), old wounds were reopened when he had to spend the Christmas time without Dante (Nicolas Gonzalez). 

According to Fab Newz, in the previous episode, Team Flash had a lot of ups and downs. Fans believe that in the upcoming episode they will be seeing Barry without Iris West Allen. Barry will be losing his temper on Wally. There will be a lot of surprises, especially when Barry will be facing Savitar. The events in the show will be escalating very quickly which will leave fans eager to see what will happen next.

According to Yibada, fans will be seeing more of Jay Garrick because Barry went to see him, asking for his advice on how to defeat Savitar. Fans will also be witnessing the mistakes Jay has done with his life when he became a speedster when he sees Barry on his way to make his own. Berry and Jay will reveal Saviatar’s secret of his power in the form of the Philosopher Stone which will help them defeat him and Doctor Achemy (Tom Delton). Berry will accidently travel in the future and he will see tragic death, Savitar will kill Iris West (Candice Peyton) and Berry won’t be fast enough to save him.

According to Buddy TV, season 2 of “The Flash” was disappointing for fans, but as the story of the show will change its direction the upcoming episodes will be much more thrilling. The show will have several villains each week. Iris has her complex story, she is a character on her own. Being a journalist in a city of villains and heroes is not easy, and there are speculations she will be killed by Savitar in the future. “The Flash” season 3 episode 10 will be aired on January 17, 2017.

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