Aliens Sucking Out The Sun's Energy? The Reason Behind Sun's Sudden Silence?

By Erika Ivene - 05 Dec '16 09:53AM

Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs are being visible lately and causing a slight scare among humans. And not do they just show unexpectedly in the night sky, they are also spotted circling the sun. Are these UFO, aliens? What harm could they be bringing the universe's biggest star?

A report from Science Alert suggests that the sun is "eerily silent" earlier than it should and has ever been in the last 5 years. According to the report, ever since the magnetic flares that happened during the northern and southern lights in October, the solar activity from the sun was toned down.

The proof of this untimely silence is the number of sun spots it usually has. As per NASA's record from November 14-18, the sun looks spotless. The sun spots mark the solar activity and energy that the sun produces and when minimal to no spots were found on the sun, it means that there are not much solar activities are done.

What could be causing the sun's silence?

The Mirror reports on a possible alien attack towards the sun. Recently, there are several UFOs spotted around the sun and they look like sucking the sun's energy. Could this be the reason why the sun wasn't able to perform its regular solar activities?

In one of NASA's recent images, a spot in the sun appears to be connected to one of the UFOs through a thin, bright string. A few conspiracy theorists are rounding the internet with possible explanations behind such event. Most of these theories suggest that these UFOs are sucking out the sun's energy, reports The Express.

A YouTube video was posted showing a massive UFO having an extraordinary "connection" with the sun. However, NASA is yet to explain what this UFO was doing and what seems to be the reason behind the connecting line it has from the sun.

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