New Spoilers For Dragon Ball Super Episode 69, 70, and 71 - Gohan New Super Saiyan Transformation? [WATCH HERE]

By Jayde Winston - 03 Dec '16 21:52PM

Dragon Ball Super upcoming episodes 69, and 70 are reported to be filler episodes. The new arc is speculated to emerged by Dragon Ball Super Episode 71. It was reported that the new arc will focus on "Goku's Assassination," and Hitman Hit was assigned to do the job.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 69 entitled "Goku Vs Arale! Earth Ends in a Wacky Battle?!" brings back another Toriyama's creation Dr. Slump. It was shared by Herms98 on his twitter page that Evil Mashirito will return from hell as a ghost. Also, fans will witness certain events such as Goku's side-job and the battle with Arale. It was speculated that Dr. Mashirito gives Arale a drug which caused her play out of control.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 70 entitled " Champa's Challenge! This Time We Face Off in Baseball!!" In this episode embarks Champa's return. Also, it was speculated that it will embark the prequel for Goku's Assassination. Although this is another filler episode, fans are bound to witness Toriyama's greatest comedy.

The most interesting part probably Dragon Ball Super Episode 71 entitled "Death to Goku! A Hit-Job That Can Be Refused." It was reported before by News Every Day that Hitman Hit is predicted to be the assassin hired to kill Goku. But, the slogan saying "the powerful assassin comes to universe 7 to kill Goku" opens up a lot of questions. First, Hitman Hit could not travel to universe 7 on his own, therefore it is concluded that someone from the other universe is the master-mind for Goku's Assassination.

Some speculation states that a new character probably will emerge as the new protagonist for Dragon Ball Super anime series. Also, in Dragon Ball Super Episode 71, and in the new arc "The Hit Saga," Gohan will take sides with Goku. It was reported that fans are bounded to witness a new super Saiyan transformation, therefore concluding his return to the battle scene.

For the meantime watch the preview for Dragon Ball Super Episode 69. Join the conversation, follow Dragon Ball Super Fan Page, and see the latest news and updates.

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