Low-Mass Supernova Explosion, Where The Births Of Planets Commence And The Formation Of The Solar System

By Mary Lourd - 29 Nov '16 22:54PM

The latest journal edition confirmed that the construction of the solar system began 4.6 billion years ago by a low-mass supernova explosion. The gravitational collapse formed the proto-sun and protoplanetary disk where the births of planets commence.

A supernova is a massive stellar explosion that radiates the entire galaxy. It shines during the last stellar evolutionary stages. Scientists called it as the catastrophic destruction that marked the one final titanic and dramatic explosion.

Nature Communications published findings which focus on the short lifetime nuclei present in the early solar system. These short-lived nuclei of Beryllium-10 in meteorites contained shockwaves 12 times heavier than our sun likely triggered the formation of the solar system.

The team leader of the research, Yong-Zhong Qian, discovered that the nuclei's byproducts found in those meteorites believed to be in large quantity in the early solar system. This study gives scientists keys to the formation of the solar system and what components the solar system was made of.

Qian and colleagues observed the difference between a high-mass and the low-mass supernova. Apparently, the high-mass supernova did not leave evidence on meteorites the same way that low-mass did.

This theory of the solar system's formation is aided by the telltale patterns of Beryllium-10 nuclei in meteorites. The process of explosion called neutrino spallation, wherein cosmic rays trigger the high-energy particles to shred away from the protons or neutrons.

The meteoritic record explained that Beryllium-10 has a weight of 10 mass units, 6 neutrons, and 4 protons. A new study pointed out that it was the fourth elements in the periodic table. This finding opened up a new clue for the exact correlations among these nuclei with precise measurements.

"In addition to explaining the abundance of Beryllium-10, this low-mass supernova model would also explain the short-lived nuclei Calcium-41, Palladium-107, and a few others found in meteorites. What it cannot explain must then be attributed to other sources that require detailed study," Qian explained.

Qian's team is planning to corroborate the theory by looking at Lithium-7 and Boron-11. They also are looking for more evidence from stable isotopes.


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