'Westworld' Season 2 Spoilers, Theories & News: The Secret Origin Of 'Westworld' & Season Finale Updates

By Rita Mendoza - 27 Nov '16 05:07AM

Counting down to the last two episodes of "Westworld" Season 1, many theories of the remaining episodes and the upcoming Season 2 are coming about. "Westworld" is a dark depiction of a world where humans can visit a Wild-West-themed amusement park with pre-set rules and regulations. For $40,000 a day, visitors can live out wild fantasies in the "Westworld" park that Dr. Ford (Anthony Hopkins) created with Arnold (unknown person of interest).

The Origin Of "Westworld"

"Westworld" was created by Michael Crichton, not based on a book, but written for the film in 1973. "Westworld" 1973 film centers around an amusement park filled with murderous and malfunctioning robots. It was supposed to be a park where visitors can experience their wild-west fantasies, but everything goes wrong. The androids went berserk, eventually. The film left the audience guessing what caused the malfunction. It could be a glitch, a virus, or human evolution. Viewers were jilted to imagine what really caused the robots in "Westworld" to malfunction.

Season Finale "The Bicameral Mind"

The season finale of "Westworld" Season 1 is entitled "The Bicameral Mind" which runs for 90 minutes. This is the tenth episode of the series and will be aired on December 4, 2016. The season finale will be a "humdinger," says Jimmi Simpson. Evan Rachel Wood then spilled that the following episodes will leave fans astonished and heartbroken, so expect some shocking revelations moving forward in the series. She adds that there will be more intense and "wild" gameplay in the "Westworld" narrative.

"Westworld" Season 2 Spoilers

The remaining season 1 episodes leading up to the finale could lay the groundwork for showing two sides to robots, they can either be good or evil. This could come into play in "Westworld" Season 2.

"Westworld" Episode 09x01 entitled "The Well-Tempered Clavier" will air on November 27, 2016, on HBO.

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