Profound ways to avoid SIDS and other Sleep-related Infant Deaths

By Staff Reporter - 26 Oct '16 12:53PM

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS),  and other sleep-related infants death, including strangulation and suffocation caused almost 3,500 babies to die each year. SIDS, however, involves some internal mechanisms that stop the baby from breathing. Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated their recommendations and provide a much safer sleeping conditions for infants.

The AAP's previous set of recommendations released last 2011 are consistent and are still applicable to all parents. The update includes new and profound ways in providing a much ideal sleep environment for infants. The AAP now recommends that babies, up to age 1, sleeping in the same room with their parents, but not on the same bed. Doing so, can decrease the risk of SIDS up to 50 percent and can prevent suffocation, strangulation, and entrapment. It is best and highly recommended for the first six months of the baby for SIDS mostly occur by this times.

Another AAP recommendation is disallowing parents to feed infants on sofa or armchair. Also, banning of bumpers, stuffed animals, pillows, or blankets. Babies should sleep supine, or on their backs. It's completely okay to let your child roll over to their stomach, but must be set back to a supine position. One big contributor to preventing SIDS is using a Pacifier. This object could reduce the risks of SIDS 50 to 90 percent. But, AAP noted that this must be offered only during naptime and bedtime. AAP stood firm about the decision to warn parents in buying state-of-the-art baby stuff like Anti-SIDS mattresses, and bedside sleepers because these items are attached on the side of the mother's bed.

The primary focus of these recommendations is to provide infants a much safer sleep environments. But, with all the recommendations presented, it's evident to say that parents could save a lot of money following this simple recommendations. Children aging 0 to 1 needless, all they need is caring hands and efforts of their parents.

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