New Game for Power Rangers from Bandai Namco - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle

By Staff Reporter - 11 Oct '16 18:56PM

A trailer is out for Bandai Namco's new game - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle. Man, that's a mouthful. That said, though, the game is reminiscent of old-school games, and brings just the right touch of nostalgia, much like the cartoon it was known for.

You basically beat things up while the game scrolls sideways as you progress. Since we're talking classics, think Tekken Force but with more players.

The plot is based on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV show of old. Players will absolutely feel the vibe of good 'ol days while playing the game, and can even bring friends as the game supports local co-op play.

Obviously enough, you choose among one of the five power rangers to fight with. You'll be handling martial arts weapons as well as choose among abilities in a skill tree to level-up. There's even some special moves that can be pulled off if you fuse your skills.

Notable enemies include Rita Repulsa, her master Lord Zedd, and their various minions like Goldar, Squatt and Finster.

It's not sure yet whether there'll be a PC port, or maybe even some iOS or android versions. It does look like the graphics can be handled by our everyday smartphones. The classic feel is welcome, though, and the nostalgia that a beat-em-up side scrolling is very much welcome among those who wish to revisit the past.

The game's out on January next year, 2017, while a few months after in March, Lionsgate's Power Rangers will also debut on the big screens.

All-in-all a good year for the sentai series lovers out there. Stay tuned here for more news regarding your favorite fivesome!

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