‘Stranger Things' Season 2 Spoilers & Updates: Millie Bobby Brown & David Harbour Teases Fans On Season 2

By Joyce Vega - 09 Oct '16 05:18AM

The hit Netflix series "Stranger Things" Season 2 trailer has been released and even though quite obscure when it comes to solid facts, there is enough to learn from it to satisfy the hunger of its fans.

The most important of all facts reveled are the names of the nine episodes which will be released with the coming of "Stranger Things" Season 2. The names are as follows: MadMax, The Boy Who Came, Back To Life, The Pumpkin Patch, The Palace, The Storm, The Pollywog, The Secret Cabin, The Brain and The Lost Brother. Even though the names themselves aren't quite revealing of the plot which will unravel on the screens of the show's devotees, Mirror have managed to find enough information surrounding the future plots to keep fans satisfied.

First and most important is that "Stranger Things" Season 2 is a sequel to Season 1, and not a standalone production, the same characters from Season 1 will appear, but new, critical plotlines will be developed for all of them. Another nice surprise is that four new characters will join the macabre series, all of which will have their own unique storylines developed for the running of the series.

One of the big questions which remained after the end of season one will also be resolved.This is the mystery around Eleven's fate. According to NME, Millie Bobby Brown who plays Eleven on the show is himself unsure of the fate of the character, claiming he himself is not sure of his appearance in "Stranger Things" Season 2. But, David Harobour, who plays chief Hopper, has revealed the Eggo waffles that he leaves in a box at the end of Season 1 are for Eleven.

This is a sure sign that in some form, Eleven will be present in the upcoming season, and will play an important role in the development of the story. When it comes to the release date of "Stranger Things" season two, nobody has an accurate date to point. Rumors have spread over the internet that the filming of the show has already started and even photos have been released on online forums, but their authencity is uncertain and they could easily be a forgery. Based on last season's release date, the show can be expected to air somewhere in the late summer of 2017, relatively in late July or August.

One thing is certain and that is the producers have promised their viewers a darker, more gruesome story in "Stranger Things" Season 2, which will send shivers down viewers' spines as they enjoy the new episodes in the series.

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