Possible Update for Pokémon GO: the Buddy System

By Staff Reporter - 05 Sep '16 09:30AM

Dedicated Pokémon GO fans have recently discovered a likely addition to the virtual reality mobile game app. It's called the "Buddy System," and it lets you take a Pokémon of your choice for a walk alongside your in-game avatar.

In the game's current version, there doesn't seem to be much incentive to walk around as opposed to camping Pokéstops and setting up lures. Walking long distances to hatch eggs doesn't seem too profitable given how random the results can be. Hopefully, this new update will add another incentive to do just that.

Going by the datamined information taken from the codes in the app, this new system will use the same distance calculation as the egg hatching does. For the more hardcore gamer, this will be a different way to stock up on candy for that particular Pokémon.Depending on the size, weight or type of Pokémon, there are four looks they can take in-game. They can appear next to you in medium or large size, while small ones can take a spot on your shoulders. For those of you who have watched the anime, this is a throwback to the way Pikachu would always hang around Ash's shoulders. Flying ones like Pidgey can be seen hovering around you.

Perhaps the biggest contribution this new update can give is the satisfaction it can bring to dedicated players. The rewards and results given in the current version can seem somewhat lacking because of the randomness involved. Egg hatching and encounters seem more a matter of luck than skill. This takes away from the effort players expend and can even bring frustration. However, with this new update, a player can willfully choose to expend effort on any Pokémon evolution, assuming they have the base Pokémon. There is a tangible, achievable goal, even though it may require a lot effort.

Overall, this system will add a touch of thematic sentimentality to liven up the current gameplay. This removes some of the current app's tediousness because you can now effectively bond with your favorite Pokémon instead of relying on random encounters to get more candies. On that note, the amount of candy given is still undefined. There will also be a daily limit for the number of candy given by any specific Pokémon. After all, Niantic can't make the game too easy.

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