‘Game of Thrones’, Season 6 News Update: Is Arya Stark’s Story Over?

By Dipannita - 06 Jun '16 09:50AM

Episode 7 of 'Game of Thrones' brought back one of the presumably dead characters, 'The Hound' aka Sandor Clegane, as expected by the viewers. And it was really delightful to see him back on screen.

But, it also did something unexpected, which was not a bit delightful. After watching the feisty Arya becoming better at her game and claiming her moral code, it was certainly not a pleasant sight to watch her wandering the strange streets of Braavos, with her bleeding belly and no one to lend her a sympathetic glance. The episode's ending scene was startling to say the least, and has fuelled speculations about Arya's death.

Many are of the view that the next episode will see her biting the dust. Well, this is possible if the show creators want to spring a horrible surprise as they have done in the past. But some also feel it is one of those fake-out deaths that build sensation and keep the curiosity alive. So, was it just a pretension?

Well, it might be and might not be as well. The creators can kill any character they wish and fan-favorites are not immune from their creative wrath. But it is also possible that Arya is being made to go through this miserable experience to give her a feel of what she did to Sandor Clegane. She left him dying when he was begging for mercy and mercy is something she needs to learn as she has only known revenge ever since she escaped Westeros.

She has killed without remorse (of course, they were people who had wronged her) and it is high time she got a taste of mercy. Therefore, the next episode might prove to be her nemesis or she might emerge victorious, after killing the Waif, who has been after her life, ever since she entered the house of black and white.

Every Arya Stark fan wishes to see more of her and we would definitely like her to be reunited with her siblings, and most importantly, return to Winterfell, as her father's daughter.

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