Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift Break Up News: Couple Spits after 15 months Together

By Bisma Kaleem - 04 Jun '16 09:52AM

Brace yourselves for an unexpected, unfortunate news that has started to hit the newsstand.

Once again, another celebrity couple has decided to drift apart and this time, it's Taylor swift and Calvin Harris.

Deemed as the loved-up pair, the two were often spotted draped in love with the possibility of swooning over each other, but appears as if they were not bound to stay together.

A relationship drama or more of an unfortunate mess, the 15-month old love chapter has finally been closed, rendering two massive heartbreaks, initially confirmed by People, which was affirmed by Billboard later on.

The 26-year old singer and 32-year old international DJ were on the verge of intensifying their love affair as they began their romance in March with a tropical vacation.

The next month Taylor gushed about her relationship and maintained while talking to Vogue regarding her new love affair, "I'm just taking things as they come. I'm in a magical relationship right now. And of course I want it to be ours, and low-key...this is the one thing that's been mine about my personal life."

The news dropped in just after Calvin Harris was hospitaliZed and remained under intense hospice care after being saved from a terrible car accident, rendering him unconscious. The Internet was well aware of the rifts between their affiliation, but despite of the issues, Taylor acted as a mature individual and remained by his side as part of his post-operative care.

So finally it's over! The golden couple of the Hollywood clan celebrated their one year anniversary and took a pause just right there. The two appeared in love just before the rumors surfaced, but seems like the luck was not on their side.

Better luck for Taylor and Calvin till next time and hope they remain the epitome of romance and passion for the time to come.

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