Gallup Poll: Nurses Voted the Most Trustworthy Professionals

By Staff Reporter - 19 Dec '14 13:00PM

A new survey by Gallup says nurses are the most trustworthy among all workers.

Among the 11 professions included in the 2014 poll and 80 percent of Americans said nurses had very high standard of ethics. Cars salespeople and members of Congress got the lowest trust with 8 percent and 7 percent votes, respectively.

Gallup says since nurses were included in the list in 1999, they have topped the ratings except in 2001 when firefighters outranked them 

Considering the bad press that politics and Congress members get, their lower rating is understandable but the auto industry needs to take note of the high distrust shown against car sales people. This means very few people have a positive experience with car dealers.

The study says, in general people's trust levels have dropped compared to previous years. The researchers say, "Since 2013, all professions either dropped or stayed the same in the percentage of Americans who said they have high honesty and ethics. The only profession to show a small increase was lawyers, and this rise was small (one percentage point) and within the margin of error. The largest drops were among police officers, pharmacists and business executives. But medical doctors, bankers and advertising practitioners also saw drops."

The research was conducted over telephone based on the responses of around 805 adults over 18 spread across the 50 states.

The ratings are nurses, medical doctors, pharmacists, police officers, clergy, bank officers, lawyers, business executives, advertising professionals, cars sale people and Congressmen 


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