Video: Brad Pitt Rushes To Save Little Girl From A Roaring Crowd In Sets Of 'Allied'

By R. Siva Kumar - 25 May '16 09:50AM

Brad Pit, the 52-year-old movie star who is used to playing the role of a hero in films actually became one in real life. In the sets of his new World War II movie 'Allied', he helped a little girl who got almost trampled in a roaring, rowdy crowd Monday.

The act was simple. He just rushed to the scene and helped to rescue the little girl before she could be harmed in any way. She was in the middle of a surging crowd and could have got crushed.

It happened in the Canary Islands when he saw her getting pushed up against the fence. With his two bodyguards, he helped carry her over the fence, away from the rough crowd.

You can see the scene in the video. He is seen comforting and rubbing the little girl's head even as he talks to her after the excitement. He stayed with her till the medics came on the scene. After she got cleared by the medics, Pitt waved goodbye to the crowd.

His latest shoot, "Allied" is directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Steven, in which he plays Max, a French-Canadian spy in 1942 who falls in love and marries French agent Marianne (Marion Cotillard), following a mission in Casablanca.

Acting the role was the main plot of his day, but the sub-plot of rescuing the little girl seemed to have been a little act of heroism that would not be vaunted or shown on the silver screen. But it would be remembered as an act of goodwill.

YouTube/wochit Entertainment 

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