Google’s ParseyMcParseface is a huge IQ boost for computer nerds

By Ajay Kadkol - 19 May '16 21:10PM

Remember BoatyMcBoat face? Ohh no its now called David Attenborough to the disbelief of so many who had voted. A similar name is with Google? Seriously? Have a look yourself!

 Google has a big gift for anyone trying to fulfill the promise of artificial intelligence software that helps computers understand human speech and text.The parser software, called SyntaxNet breaks sentences down into components to better understand the meaning of words which is actually a boon to AI developers trying to get computers to use natural language. SyntaxNet is now an open-source software so anybody can use it for free and modify it how they want.

Google did the same in 2015 with another AI technology, TensorFlow, which lets anyone link computers into a neural network that can process data in a way analogous to our own biological brains. But neural networks aren't useful until they've been trained on massive quantities of real-world data, for example by processing millions of images or listening to thousands of hours of speech.

With SyntaxNet, Google isn't just releasing the basic neural network framework, though. It's also releasing ParseyMcParseface, the fruits of its work to train SyntaxNet to parse English. It's only one language, but it's a major help.And of course it pays tribute to BoatyMcBoatface, the name made famous by an online contest to name a UK research ship.Well, Google have long been known to actually have their hands at jove and succeeded at it many a time. So don't be surprised.

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