T-Mobile Offers 'Rollover', Customers Can Carry Over Unused Data

By Kamal Nayan - 17 Dec '14 02:11AM

T-Mobile customers will be able to use rollover of unused data to the next billing cycle, a move which could be game-changer in the telecom market.

With the move, T-Mobile has become the first carrier in the country to allow rollover of unused data. Up until now, telecom majors have been offering bigger data usage plans, but no company has offered data rollover to customers.

The rollover plan is open only to customers on Simple Choice plans with at least 3 gigabytes for a smartphone or 1 gigabyte for tablet.

Unlike other carriers, T-Mobile doesn't offer plans that allows families to share a collective pool of data. Rollover plan could be T-Mobile's way of providing consumers flexibility.

“It’s an old concept, but it actually used to be called rollover minutes. AT&T had this old deal where if you didn’t use all your minutes, they rolled over to the next month. Now we don’t count minutes, most people have unlimited,” said KCBS Technology Analyst Larry Magid.

Magid added that the new plan is good for “inconsistent” customers such as himself who tend to use a lot of data if he’s travelling, but if he’s around home and can connect to his Wi-Fi reception near home, he’s less likely to use data, CBS wrote.

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